Reseller Hosting:
Right Choice For You?
Leon Chaddock
What is reseller hosting anyway? It is a type of web hosting that is designed with some quirks. In this type of hosting, the account owner may actually split up their hard drive space and sell it to someone else. There are many reasons for doing this from simplistic ones of just not needing the space and wanting to make some money off of it to many others. But, the bottom line is that this is an exciting market and one that has a lot of competition.
Reseller hosting is set up in such a way that resellers can provide this extra space to someone else without having to worry about all the maintenance of the hosting they are selling. There is no need to worry about maintaining the web hosting services at all because this is the job of the owner of the dedicated server.
So, how does this affect you? GUI control panels make it so easy to take advantage of reseller hosting. Whether you are buying or selling, these panels can help you to get it done right and often times fast. Some of the most popular choices in commercial control panels include the following web hosting resellers:
• Plesk
• Direct Admin
• CPanel
• H-Sphere
• Ensim
But, you will also find a few other options to consider as well. In Open Source control panels you can choose such web hosting resellers as Webmin, web-cp, and Domain Technologie Control.
As we said, there is a large market out there when it comes to web hosting as well. You’ll find a wide range of information on these options available to you throughout the web. Its easy to find web hosting options in reseller markets. This affordable way to own or sell hosting services is something many are taking advantage of and making money off of.
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